Climate, Health and Emergency Care in Africa

In November of 2020, faculty of the GECI, with key partners, hosted the first pre-conference for Climate, Health and Emergency Care in Africa at the African Conference for Emergency Medicine. Over 100 participants enrolled in the pre-conference and speakers included a wide diversity of contributors, including the lead author for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the organization that was awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. Given the dearth of information about this topic, we have made the lectures available on our new YouTube channel and the curated list of resources and files available via our Canvas course (for free!). We hope this information fosters new local leadership, advocacy and partnerships!


FULL COUrse via canvas

The materials here have been curated for review, inspiration, and a basic grounding in what we consider core content for understanding why our climate emergency is so important for emergency physicians. 

  • Modules - to review our expert videos and key links

  • Files - to see uploaded articles, policies, and examples to inform your practice

  • Discussions - to get connected with others who attended the conference and keep the conversation going!

  • The working draft of a the first climate resolution to submit for consideration of AFEM.

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Course talks

Want just the talks? They are here on our YouTube channel to help inform and inspire.

Perspectives on Climate Action in Africa and Beyond

Resource lists to help you advocate!


Fantastic resources for engaging in Climate Change Advocacy brought to you by Dr. Caitlin Rublee and SAEM - Adding a Climate Lens to Academic Emergency Medicine